DevOps and Successfully Embracing Culture Change

DevOps and Successfully Embracing Culture Change

Implementing DevOps culture is one of the essential parts of modern, fast-growing tech companies. These organizations are leveraging everything that this approach to development and operations can offer to skyrocket productivity and be ahead of the competition.

While it seems evident that DevOps and its methods for agile adaptation are a crucial need for all companies operating in the sector, there still is visible resistance. Many businesses resist the change and keep going with a traditional paradigm in terms of IT. And it is a terrible idea if the business goal is to be competitive and remain alive in such an aggressive environment.

Successfully preparing for culture change, and continuously embracing it is a must for businesses that want to thrive in today’s business environment. DevOps is a powerful tool if companies are capable of being flexible and willing to adapt to the current panorama.

Transparency for Productivity

One of the keys to the fast-changing DevOps culture is to provide the full team transparency of the projects’ many moving parts. Everything from strategy and KPIs to development and testing must be fully available to the groups involved.

This transparency is vital for thriving DevOps culture as it requires everyone on board to be on the same page. Enhanced communication reformed through clear, well-established policies and procedures.

Embracing Automation

Automation plays a crucial role in modern, adaptable DevOps. It’s fundamental to automate as possible, an approach that will create more time for teams to be productive, instead of investing resources in repetitive, low-impact tasks.

There is a wide array of open source solutions, for example, to automate development procedures, infrastructure standardization, testing, and monitoring tools, which allows application deployments without manual work. By doing this, repetitive tasks get out of the way, will enable teams to focus on what is essential.

Implementing layers of automation on development and operations can be hard at first, but they pay off quickly. It isn’t only about being practical but also increases testing speeds and the team’s output in terms of results.

Promoting Collaboration to Create High-Performing Teams

We mentioned before that transparency in DevOps culture is critical to maintaining fluent communication between teams. However, we must insist by saying that we take this aspect to the next level.

Effective collaboration is one of the main goals in DevOps, and this isn’t going to change. Development and operations were placed apart, with limited means to communicate and collaborate. The production environment changed dramatically with DevOps providing tools and resources that guarantee full collaboration between teams. Culture change will drive organizations to improve even further how collaboration materialized during daily operations.

Fighting Change as the Recipe for Disaster

Change and DevOps are closely related, and the businesses unwilling to adapt to the new ways of operating will fail. It’s paramount for organizations to support their teams to do the best work they can. 

DevOps culture aims to a stable, synergic relationship between essential teams within modern businesses, a relationship that can and will maintain operations running at their best.

Traditional IT culture is quickly replaced by a fast-paced, agile, and adaptable DevOps approach that should be continuously implemented.